Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Cosmic Adventurers

Daddy's on leave today so we decided to go for a leisurely dim sum brunch at Zi Yean after Mummy read about it on a foodie blog. The food did not disappoint and we had a good time indulging in our favourite snacks!

Here's Mummy whalloping her favourite Phoenix Claws - dat's her 2nd basket already!

And since we were already in the West, we decided to max out our newly acquired Science Centre membership. So off we went to the Omni-theatre again, our 2nd time in barely a week! Haha!

This time we watched 'Forces of Nature', which got us all abit dizzy

There was nothing else on the agenda today so we had all the time in the world to explore the exhibits in the main hall.

When are we going to watch Toy Story huh, Mummy?

Watching the little chicks hatch

Baby and I spent a good 10min playing around with this contraption. All i had to do was whisper into each of the colorful tubes from way up high and he could hear me down below!

We had great fun saying silly things to each other

We also enjoyed this prism of mirrors immensely. We saw so many of our own reflections inside the little box! Another 10min spent her dancing, jumping around and making silly faces!

And finally, how could we leave without letting Baby see his beloved dinos?

Mummy: I dont think ive been to the West so often since time immemorial!

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