Friday, December 22, 2006

Crazy party #1

We had our annual steamboat dinner with Daddy's army cronies last night. Last year I had to entertain myself by rolling on a mattress on the floor, this year i have been upgraded to a seat at the table with everyone else!

Yet they took a foto with only half of me showing...haiz...

Yummy sausages, fishballs and crab sticks!!

Time to exchange pressies after the satisfying dinner and who could be a better Santa than little ol me? Im equally irresistable and charming, complete with the huge tummy, just sans the beard and silly suit!

Im distributing pressies to all the adults who have been good!

And then it was my turn to open my presents!

Ooh..i lurve the little horse!

And Aunty Angela lurves me!

So does Uncle Alvin! But im more interested in his book...hehe...

Daddy and his cronies acting silly immune to such appalling behavior...

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