Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A day out in the park!

Daddy and Mummy brought me to the botanic gardens today. It was a lovely place and i had a lot of fun there!

There was so much to see and do! I tried to follow a bird as it hopped into the bushes, i watched the people flying their kites and playing catch with their dogs and we fed the fishes and ducks in the pond! The bread was stale though, i do hope they wont fall sick tomorrow!

I was totally captivated by the ducks and fishes, i had never seen them before in real life, only in pictures!

Get out of my way Mummy, ure blocking my view!

That's better Mummy, thank you very much!

Daddy showing me how to throw the piece of bread into the pond...

Mummy and I having a quiet, reflective moment...

Daddy broke our reverie by asking for a photo!

I need a diaper change, Mummy! Can't u smell the stench emanating from me?

Mummy to the rescue...of the surrounding flora and fauna!

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