Friday, May 22, 2009

Bad flu bug

Jie Jie brought home a nasty bug from school and i ended up being very sick for almost a week. It all started with a cough on Monday, and Mummy didnt think too much of it till i developed a high fever on Wednesday morning. She brought me to the GP downstairs who inserted a suppository into my butt.
Poor me, i was screaming throughout the entire procedure.

Mummy started to get really worried when my fever didnt subside even after the suppository. Usually that bullet will work its magic almost immediately. My fever stayed persistently high the entire day and night, and Mummy was worried sick, sponging me through the night.

Cool water bath, standard operating procedure for us kids whenever we have a fever

Jie Jie having a good time keeping me company in the bath

The height of my flu came on Thursday night when no amount of rocking, patting and carrying would sooth me. My nose was a drippy mess and my hacking cough sounded really bad.
That night, my poor parents camped downstairs beside me on my mattress, cos they didnt want my coughs and cries to wake Jie Jie up. (She did wake up eventually, and quietly crept downstairs. Mummy got a huge fright when she saw this little, dark figure standing by the stairs. Now that was funny...haha...)
In the end, my entire family spent the night beside me, downstairs in the living room.

Mummy and Daddy brought me to the paediatrician on Friday morning, cos my flu didnt seem to abate. The doc diagnosed that i had mild bronchiolitis and ordered a round of the nebuliser immediately.

Surprisingly i was an angel throughout the procedure, quietly allowing them to administer the gas mask and i didnt fidget nor protest one bit.

I felt much better after the pd's meds and nebuliser and by Friday night, i was 80% back to normal. That night, my parents had a much better sleep, i only woke up twice!

Saturday was spent at home cos i still wasnt totally well.

Im seeeeeck! Hallo? See Mummy doesnt care, she's reading the papers!

Hmph, i shall just treat myself!

Hmmmm sounds bad....

Ah what the heck...maybe eating the stethoscope will help!

Jie Jie having great fun creating a masterpiece on the easel

And me having great fun defacing it...

Oops...i didnt do it! It wasnt me!

Daddy and Mummy decided to take us for a walk at the Reservoir since we were cooped up in the house the whole day, especially was the whole week!

Wah! Check out that huge frog!!

See! Im feeling much better already

Cheers to good health!

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