Saturday, May 01, 2010

Singapore Women's Weekly Shoot

We appear in this month's issue of the Singapore Women's Weekly mag!

We got roped in by Aunty Yiling to join in the photoshoot cos they needed kid models to pose with each letter of the alphabet, all the while modelling swanky clothes from Guess.

So after picking me up from school, Mummy drove us all down to the studio to meet up with Kirsten and Seth.

It was our turn pretty soon enough and my shoot was a wrap in a jiffy cos i was very co-operative, dutifully obeying the photog's commands to twist, turn, smile, sit, tilt my head, bend my legs...u get the idea.

This was the photo that was chosen to be published.

Not one of Mummy's favourites, cos she felt that i looked washed out and pasty faced. She felt that there were many other pics that showed me smiling happily and were more flattering but i guess this one was the most in line with the photog's artistic direction?

Hahahah...whatever...i was just happy to be there to hang out and play with Kirsten.

Mummy couldnt take any pics of the photoshoot itself cos she was busy trying to get Baby to cooperate with the photog. He was a little overwhelmed by all the props and the bright lights and kept running towards her, begging to be carried.

Aiyo so silly that Baby, there's nothing to be afraid of!!

The only video of me that Mummy managed to capture

In the end, Mummy came up with this brilliant idea of putting gummies on the letter W itself so that Baby would move closer to it and take the sweets.

It worked! He kept scampering over to the W over and over again to check if there were new sweets on its prongs. The drawback was that his cheeks looked chubbier cos they were stuffed full of gummies!

I think he went through an entire packet of gummies (to Mummy's great chagrin) just during that 2omin photoshoot alone!

Check out the right prong of W - it has a yellow gummy on it!

And thus wrapped up our 1st experience of appearing in a local magazine.

It wouldnt have been half as fun if Kirsten wasnt there to play with me though! Hehe

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