Yesterday was a fun filled day! Our long awaited birthday bash finally arrived and everyone was so excited! As soon as we reached My Gym, i couldnt wait to get out of my stroller despite only having slept for about an hour.

Some of my friends and I playing with toys while waiting for the rest to arrive...

Terelle: This is how u play with this toy, Aaron..hmmm..i think u can pose with it too!
Aaron: Chey, dat's all it can do?
As usual, i loved being in the ball pit. This time all my kakis were with me! What fun! Aaron tried to get into my good books by offering me different colored balls. Sadly for him, he gave me all the colors except yellow, my favourite! So i played hard to get and threw them away as soon as he passed them to me. Think he must be really upset..heehee...

Here have a green ball!

oh u dont like green? how about an orange ball?

Mummy!! Terelle spurned all my advances! Boohoo...

Terelle: Avril Jie Jie we're not moving, does this thing need batteries?
Avril: OMG we forgot batteries!
Terelle: Or maybe we should kick it?
Avril: No lah, think we should turn the wheel like this!
Terelle: Wah...heehee...silly me...
All my other friends soon arrived and the party programme got underway. We started off with the welcome song and some light warm up exercises...

Cant u tell im really excited to be here? Hehe...
Next up was an exciting puppet show where everyone was enthralled by the nasty alligator who kept eating the poor little monkeys!

Then we played "Hot Potatoes" by passing beanbags to each other. Everyone loved this game!

The teachers blew bubbles while we played with balloons and balls. Everyone had a great time trying to catch the bubbles!

Out came the swings and i am no longer afraid of them! In fact i love them so much now i dont want to get out!!

Yawn...this is the highest we can go??

Oh no Daddy's coming! Dont take me out!!!!
The last activity involved all of sitting on a "parachute" while our Daddys and Mummys flapped the sides. It really felt as if we were flying, the gusts of wind were so strong!

Whoa the parachute flew off! Can i come along??
And then it was time to blow out the candles on our little cupcakes! They were so pretty and each had our names specially piped onto them! Best of all they were really yummy too! Thanks so much Jie Jie Davina for baking such nice goodies for us!

Blowing the candle out, off my very own cupcake!

No party is complete without my "yeow kui" aka gluttony face!

Tea break! Lemme chug down this bottle of milk so i can go back to playing!!
The frames that Mummy made for all of us, the adults' extra chocolatey choco cake and the cute banner that Aunty Evon made from all of our funny pics! We missed u so much Aunty Evon and Kara!

Mummy and Daddy were particularly impressed that i can now climb stairs all by myself! Looks like all my gym sessions paid off, especially when there are no stairs at home for me to practice on!

Check out Mummy's ecstatic face...

Wah this is a cinch! Can we climb again?
All too soon, the party came to an end with each family having their portraits taken. I hope everyone had a smashing time! I sure did!! More parties please!!

Me together with Teacher Sue and Teacher Gretha who threw the fab party for us!