Inanity #1
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Nursery Rhymes - Educational or Inane?
Inanity #1
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Im a water baby!
Wah so much more water for me to splash around as compared to my bathtub!
okie ill cooperate for just one photo...let me get back to splashing around okie?
Friday, December 09, 2005
A letter to Daddy!
How are u in freezing Beijing? Since i cant talk to you on Skype i shall tell you what ive been up to here.
Gong Gong came to visit us and he carried me for the 1st time! He was afraid to carry me when i was younger, cos i was still like Jello. Gong Gong's was very gentle with me so i was comfy in his arms.
Gong Gong and me!
Yesterday Mummy brought me to meet her forum friends at United Square. They brought their babies along too and I had a great time socialising with my other little friends! I was the oldest there but am quite behind in terms of development. Baby Kara, Natania and Aaron all have teeth and can "stand" quite well while being supported. Im still bo gey and prefer to flap around on my tummy...heehee...think im lazy just like you!
That's all of us (fr left to right) - Baby Aaron, me, Baby Kara and Baby Natania. It was impossible to get us to look at the camera at the same time!
That's Baby Aaron being captivated by my first boyfriend!
Gimme ur book and ill consider going out with you!
See he couldnt keep his hands off me...are u getting worried Daddy?
After that we went to meet Jie Jie Huipeng at the tuition centre. I had my usual biscuit snack and milk while they were sorting out the bags. By the time we got home it was already 830pm. Uncle Raymond and Aunty Yiling came over with bananas for me cos Mummy told them i havent pooped in three days! Think it must be all the formula im drinking - all your fault Daddy, for asking Mummy to cut down my breast milk feeds!
Oh Mummy told me to post this pic up to show you that the house is in a mess while you are away...just to make u a bit flustered. heehee...she says not to worry, she'll clear everything up by the time u get back!
We miss you Daddy, come home quickly okie?
Lots of love, Terelle
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
My adventures Down Under (Sydney - Part 1)
Mummy's sick from taking care of me, she was running a temperature so she went to see a doctor just before we left for the airport. I think im getting better, at least my fever's gone! im looking forward to taking the plane again...this time ill get to sleep in a bassinet!
The spectacular views from our hotel room...
The miserable weather in Sydney, what a stark contrast with the day before!
Me all bundled up and still feeling sniffly...
That's us with Uncle Jason during dinner!
We headed back to the hotel after dinner where Mummy and Daddy collapsed out of exhaustion. I tortured Mummy again by not sleeping the entire night, how could i? There was so much phlegm in my throat! Daddy had to sleep cos he had to work the next day, so poor Mummy had to deal with me all by herself. By morning Mummy really looked like a walking zombie...
Day 3: 28th Nov 2005 (Mon)
I allowed Mummy to catch some sleep from 5am onwards and we woke up at almost 12noon (Sydney time) this morning, that's only like 9am back home. By the time she was done trying to feed, change and clean me, it was almost 3pm. Mummy was so worried cos i was not eating at all and my fontanelle was sunken, indicating that i was dehydrated. But i really had no appetite, everything they gave me made me gag and choke.
Uncle Jason met us for lunch (it was more of tea actually) and directed Mummy to the malls in the city centre. Mummy was determined not to let her tiredness get in the way of shopping. In the end she bought me a lot of clothes...she couldnt resist cos the malls were having massive discounts...heehee...
Dinner was settled at a nearby MacDonalds cos Mummy and Daddy were too tired to go any further to forage for food. That night was the height of my cold, i literally tossed and turned the whole night, crying pitifully for the sleep that eluded me. At 6am Mummy made the decision not to go out the next day so that i could fully recuperate in the hotel room. I think it was also partly becos she had no strength left to hit the streets.
Day 4: 29th Nov 2005 (Tues)
Agenda for today
730am: Wake up, cough cough cough, fitful sleep
8am: Wake up, cry, cough cough cough, struggle with Mummy over medicine
830am: Struggle with Mummy over drinking milk
9am: Fall into fitful sleep in Mummy's arms
11am: Wake up, cry, cough cough cough, struggle with Mummy over milk again, poop
12noon: Still crying
1230pm: Fall into a more restful sleep
430pm: Wake up, cry, cough cough cough, struggle with Mummy over medicine and milk
5pm: Still crying
6pm: Still crying
630pm: Daddy's back, im still crying
7pm: Head out for Chinatown cos Mummy was going mad being cooped up in the hotel room with cranky me. She was totally zonked out, u know how i knew? cos she didnt even put on any earrings! And going out without earrings are a definite fashion no-no for Mummy!
9pm: im feeling much much better now, think im finally up for some activity tomorrow!
Hmmm...Daddy's fallen asleep, what shall i do to wake him?
Aha i know...hehehe...
I shall pluck the hairs from his by one!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
My adventures Down Under (Sydney - Part 2)
Day 5: 30th Nov 2005 (Wed)
Im almost back to my normal self, Mummy is so relieved that im finally taking milk and cereals again. And we both had a good sleep last night so we'll all refreshed and ready to hit the streets!
Let me check my map to see where we're going Mummy...Let's go to the malls!
The Sydney Opera house...
...and the Harbor Bridge!
Mummy trying to steal my biscuit...
okie im going to bed...let's go for another adventure tomorrow okie Mummy?
Day 6: 1st Dec 2005 (Thurs)
We woke up at 1130am again today...think we're still on Singapore time. Uncle Jason says by the time we get ready to go out, most of the shops would already be preparing to close for the day! Hehe...
After getting us ready quickly, Mummy took me to Martin Place where we took the subway to Bondi Junction. She had to go back there cos she wasnt satisfied with that half hearted look around last Sunday. We couldnt find the shopping centre at first but we stumbled on a row of interesting shops along the way. Mummy was excitedly combing through them while i took a leisurely nap in my stroller. In the end, Mummy bought me some pretty clothes...More damage to Daddy's credit card today!
let me take a peek at the streets of Sydney!
Daddy joined us for dinner at this little Indian restaurant near our hotel. On our way there we saw this group of protestors outside the SIA office lobbying for the release of the convicted drug trafficker Van Nyuen. It was an eye opener for me but frankly i feel that these people were over sensationalizing the entire issue. Im proud to be a Singaporean anytime!
Candlelight virgil outside the SIA office
Day 7: 2nd Dec 2005
Mummy's taking me to Paddy's Markets in Chinatown today! After figuring out the bus route there, we were on our way! The market was bustling with activity and i was so caught up with all the sights and sounds that i didnt want to take my usual afternoon nap! Why dont we have such happening places back home?
Mummy and me along the streets of Sydney...
Mummy shamelessly made use of me to get discounts for her purchases. Typical conversation between Mummy and the stall owners at the Market:
Mummy: What's your best price for this necklace?
Friendly stall owner: AUS $12, ooh what a beautiful baby u have there! Hallo little darling! What's her name?
Mummy: (in her most charming voice) Thanks...Her name is Terelle. Say hello aunty! so can i have the necklace for $10?
Friendly stall owner: Hallo darling! Ooh your baby is so cute...okie u can have the necklace for $10.
Mummy: (estatically) Ooh thank you! say thank you to aunty, terelle! Give aunty a kiss!
Friendly stall owner: Isnt she just precious...
U should thank me for getting you discounts, Mummy! What exploitation, hmph!
me posing with some of the spoils of our trip!
We returned to the hotel at around 6pm and Uncle Jason arranged to meet us at the park near the Harbor Bridge for a cup of coffee while waiting for Daddy to come back from the office. It was absolutely fabulous out there, i was so glad to be outdoors! It was so breezy and sunny and there were so many people out and about, enjoying the scenery. Mummy and Uncle Jason enjoyed their coffee while i had a little biscuit snack. I love this place...i dont want to go back to hot and humid Singapore!
Me having my biscuit in the park!
It suddenly started to rain so we quickly scrambled back to the hotel. After waiting it out for awhile, the grownups decided to grab some of the hotel umbrellas and risk venturing out in the rain. On Uncle Jason's recommendation, we made our way to a Belgian restaurant a few blocks away. It was packed so we had to wait for sometime...i took the opportunity to take a snooze. Ill let the grownups enjoy their meal for once!
Are we going out or not? If not ill just enjoy my biscuit for awhile longer...
Im still waiting for all of u...are we going out???
Mummy and Uncle Jason ordered mussels that came in special mussel pots. Mummy was very impressed by the way it was served, she had never seen anything like it before! Daddy commented that Mummy had a knack for ordering the nicest foods on this trip while he always chose the second rated ones. In the end he took a fair share of Mummy's dish as that waistline Daddy!
The mussel pots...Looks yummy!
We retired to our hotel after dinner...Paddington Markets here we come tomorrow! Finally Daddy can join us in exploring Sydney as its saturday tomorrow and he doesnt need to work! Yaaay!
Day 8: 3rd Dec 2005 (Sat)
We woke up bright and early today cos Daddy and Mummy wanted to explore Paddington. We took a bus to the Paddington Market where there were lots of things to see! There were stalls after stalls selling clothes, food, trinkets, toys...we had a great time! Daddy and Mummy love browsing through flea markets cos u never know what treasures you can find there! Mummy managed to get 2 contacts to add to her online store, she was so happy...
Mummy busy finding stuff to bring back to her shop!
Daddy can i have this colorful ball please?
Lunch was settled in this quaint little eatery where Daddy and Mummy had pasta and lattes while i had my pureed beef, pumpkin and peas. The nice waiter couldnt resist my charms and gave me a banana smoothie for free! Yummy...
One sachet of sugar for Daddy and one for me!
Mummy u got some food on my nose!!!
It was back on the road again after lunch and the grownups gave me the important task of navigating. Sure! Just let me take a quick look at the map...
Gimme a minute...lets see...
okie im done...i know where we should go now! Follow me!
We made our way back to the city from Paddington and along the way we had to pass through the famous Oxford Street. Uncle Jason told Daddy and Mummy that it was an area where gays came out to play. I didnt understand what gays were, isnt gay supposed to mean happy? Perhaps this place was where happy men met other happy men! Hmmm....
We shopped around the malls in the city for awhile before heading out to Darling Harbour for dinner. Daddy was eyeing the yatchs that were docked in the bay and proclaimed that he will definitely work towards owning one and sail off into the sunset with Mummy when im all grown up...Hey i want to come along too!
View of the Sydney Tower from the bridge leading to Darling Harbor
The yatchs docked in Cockle Bay
It was back to the hotel after dinner and a nice walk around the Bay, tomorrow will be our last day in Sydney, i really dont want to go home!!!
Day 9: 4th Dec 2005 (Sun)
We checked out of the hotel early in the morning and met Uncle Jason at the nearby park for a spot of breakfast. He bought these really yummy doughnuts for Daddy and Mummy, Daddy couldnt stop eating them! In the end Mummy only had 1 while Daddy had 4!!
That's us in the park having doughnuts with Uncle Jason!
Daddy wanted to get some nice pics of all of us so we took a stroll down to the harbor again. We had fun posing for these pictures and the ang mohs were very impressed with me cos i always turned my head towards the camera whenever they called me...
oops sorry i was distracted by the seagulls nearby...
Uncle Jason says this is a gay pose...hmmm, now im convinced gay means happy men!
Our little happy family!
After saying bye to Uncle Jason who promised to visit us next year, we quickly made our way to The Rocks for some last minute shopping. Daddy was tired so we sat on the steps while Mummy trawled through the market for souvenirs and bargains.
take your time Mummy, we're having fun here...there're lots of people to watch!
Daddy and Mummy had to rush through lunch after shopping cos we had to get to the airport by 3pm. They quickly wolfed down their fish and chips, i cooperated by quickly finishing my lunch too, and we rushed back to the hotel to get our bags and stuff.
What? we're pressed for time? There's always time to play with me, Daddy!
After the usual check in procedures, we were finally on our way back home. It was a tiring trip but i really enjoyed myself. Im glad to be going home but im not looking forward to the humid weather....i didnt sweat one bit the whole time we were here!
I just had a really nice nap in the bassinet, Mummy!
That's the food that the kind air steward gave me...
Stop goofing around with me Daddy, let me get back to my dinner!
We're going home!
So when's our next trip, Daddy?